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  • 请详读本条款和条件,这适用于阁下对本互联网站“本网站”的使用。阁下使用本网站即表示同意受本条款和条件约束。
  • 我们以技术操作本网站。可是,我们对本网站的一些内容没有编辑管制。并且,在某些情况下,其他人士会在本网站内提供内容或操作本网站某些部分或提供一些阁下可以透过本网站浏览或进入的其他互联网站“第三方供应商”。
  • 我们可能不时更新此张贴以修订本条款及条件。经修订的条款将于张贴日起生效。
  • 阁下可能须预先登记才可进入本网站某些部分“客户专区”。当登记时阁下:
    • 提供的登记资料必须为准确、完整及最新;
    • 授权我们假设任何以阁下之使用名称及密码使用本网站的人士是阁下或已获得授权代表阁下的人士。
  • 阁下确认在使用一些“客户专区”时,可能受到附加条款及条件管辖。在这情况下,阁下将会相应地收到通知,而且:
    • 除了本条款及条件外,该等附加条款及条件亦将适用于阁下对“客户专区”的使用;
    • 倘若与本条款及条件不一致,将以该等附加条款及条件为准。
  • 阁下确认我们可以凭独有的酌情决定权,在已经或没有向阁下发出通知的情况下:
    • 更改本网站或本网站任何部分(包括需要阁下登记的“客户专区”);及
    • 修改或终止本网站、本网站任何部分及本网站提供的服务。
  • 我们保留权利,在任何时间就进入或使用本网站之全部或某些部分:
    • 收取费用;及
    • 更改或修订包涵此等收费的本条款及条件。
  • 上述段所提收费之引入或关于收费之条款及条件的修订,均被视为(在我们独有的酌情决定权下):
    • 本条款及条件之修订;或
    • 管辖“客户专区”之条款及条件之引用或修订;阁下将相应地接获通知及受该些新或经修订的条款及条件约束。
  • 阁下确认本网站所载内容受版权及可能涉及的其他“知识产权”所限制。除非阁下在法律范围下得到明示授权,否则阁下不得亲自、或参与或允可任何其他人士作以下的行为:
    • 在未得我们事前的书面同意复制、销售、分销、修改、展示、公开表演任何本网站内容、准备制作任何基于本网站内容而制成的衍生产品、再张贴或以其他形式使用任何本网站内容以达致任何公开或商业目的;或
    • 对任何包含下载软件的内容作推翻工程;或
    • 于任何其他网站上或网络电脑环境下使用任何本网站内容以达致任何目的;或
    • 在使用本网站或任何本网站内容时,侵犯任何人士的知识产权。
  • 除非另有明文规定,否则阁下在本网站所作的或所作与本网站有关的任何事情都不会构成任何知识产权的转让或允可阁下行使任何知识产权。
  • 阁下不得:
    • 收集或储存本网站其他用户的个人资料;
    • 违反任何有关阁下使用本网站的适用法律;
    • 扰乱或干扰本网站或伺服器或其他软件、硬件或接连至或经过本网站的设备。
  • 阁下确认:
    • 本网站之某些部分;及
    • 本网站内容之某些部分是由第三方供应商而不是由我们提供及保存。
  • 阁下与任何第三方供应商之通信及交易,纯粹属阁下与该第三方供应商之间的事宜。阁下同意,对于由该等交易引起之任何损失或损害,我们概不会负法律责任或负责。
  • 我们并没有检查所有连结本网站的网站。对于任何非本网站网页或任何其他连结本网站的网站(包括但不限于透过广告或任何寻找器所连结的网站)的内容或准确性,我们概不负责。
  • 有些在本网站出现的连结是自动产生的,这些连结可能对一些人士是厌恶性的或不适当的。任何连结之包括并不表示我们认可该连结网站。阁下使用这些连结系统须自负风险。
  • 阁下与本网站内的广告商之间的通信或交易,或阁下就广告商推销的参与,纯属阁下与该广告商之间的事宜。
  • 对于因任何此等交易或由于广告在本网站内的出现而引致的任何损失或损害,我们慨不会负法律责任或负责。
  • 在使用本网站时,阁下可能会向我们提供个人资料(私隐)条例内所界定的“个人资料”。阁下享有一些此等个人资料的权利。阁下使用本网站即表示同意我们根据我们的个人资料私隐说明使用阁下之个人资料。
  • 当阁下使用本网站时,我们可能将俗称“曲奇”的资料发送予阁下的电脑及要求阁下的电脑发出它们。阁下不得更改任何从本网站发送至阁下电脑的曲奇。阁下必须确保阁下电脑就本网站任何有关要求而发出的曲奇均为正确及准确。
  • 我们由第三者广告公司处理本网站及其他网站的广告。这些公司可能会使用与阁下到访本网站及其他网站有关的资料(不包括阁下的姓名、地址、电邮地址或电话号码),以衡量广告的效力,以及提供阁下感兴趣的产品和服务的广告。
  • 阁下承担使用本网站之风险。阁下必须评估及承担所有与使用任何本网站内容有关的风险,包括依赖任何本网站内容之准确性 、完整性及有用性。所有由本网站或透过本网站提供的资料仅供备知。关于任何本网站内容,阁下应自行寻求独立意见。
  • 我们将尽力提供一个既方便又具实用性的网站。但我们不能保证本网站内容完全无误或本网站或操作本网站之伺服器完全没载有任何病毒或其他有害成分。
  • 虽然我们会致力保存本网站内容,但并不承诺就本网站内容提供支援或维修服务。
  • 倘若阁下因使用本网站以致需要维修或更换财产、材料、工具或数据,我们将不会负责有关费用。
  • 在不局限上文的原则下,本网站的一切均以当时情况及当时可供使用的情况提供,并不包含任何形式的(不论明示或暗示)保证或条件,包括但不限于任何隐含的有关可销性、对特殊用途的适用性或非违犯性的保证。在任何适用法律允可的范围内,我们免除所有声明及保证。
  • 倘若司法管辖区不允可以上项的隐含保证的免除,但却允可有一定最大程度的责任限制,则我们的保证会局限至该程度。
  • 对阁下因进入、依赖或使用或不能使用本网站及其内容,而引起的任何直接、附带引起、相应或间接的损害、损失或数据损坏,溢利、商誉、优惠买卖或机会的损失,或预期节省的损失,或任何其他损失,不论是否基于保证、合同、侵权、疏忽或任何其他法律理论,也不论我们是否获悉该等损害的可能性,我们概不负责。
  • 倘若司法管辖区并不允可以上项的责任免除或限制,但却允可有一定最大程度的责任限制,则我们的责任会局限至该程度。
  • 在阁下须向我们登记的情况下,阁下可于任何时间通知我们取消有关登记。
  • 倘若阁下在一段时间内未有浏览本网站,或我们合理地相信阁下已抵触任何适用法律、阁下之行为与本协议之精神和内容不一致,或已触犯我们或其他方之权利,我们可取消阁下之登记。
  • 本条款及条件中之“阁下承担使用本网站之风险”、“一般事项”及“责任限制”于阁下登记取消或本协议终止后继续生效。
  • 我们会在本网站内张贴任何必须给予阁下的通告。阁下同意:
    • 查看本网站上的通告;及
    • 当通告张贴于本网站时,即视为阁下已收到该通告。
  • 本协议受香港法律所管辖。阁下当不可撤回地接受香港法院的专属司法管辖权。
  • 倘若本协议中任何部分在法律上不能执行,则该部分会于法律允可的最大可能范围内生效,而其他部分则仍完全有效力及作用。
  • 由于阁下使用或被指称使用本网站或本网站内容,或因阁下违返本协议所引起的任何索偿、诉讼或索求,包括但不限于合理法律及会计费用,阁下同意代我们抗辩,向我们赔偿及使我们、我们的主管、董事、职员及代理人免受损害。
  • 本条款及条件以其英文本为准,中文本仅供备知。
  • 有关任何人士、行为或事情的“适用法律”乃指以下有关该人士、行为或事情的事宜:
    • 任何国家(或国家之政治分权)的法律、法规及规定;
    • 任何国家(或国家之政治分权)颁发任何准可证内之任何责任;
    • 任何国家(或国家之政治分权)的监管制度下任何具有法律性及约束性的裁决、判决或指引。
    • “内容”包括阁下可在或透过本网站所见、所浏览、所听、所下载或所进入的事物(包括但不限于讯息、档案、数据、软件、图像、照片、图解、文本及其他材料)。
    • “香港”指中华人民共和国香港特别行政区。
    • “我们”指 宠物易购网。

Jebsen Privacy Policy (ENG version)

Version: January 2024


At Jebsen, we’re committed to protect and respect your privacy.

This Privacy Policy explains what personal information we collect about you, when and why we collect it, how we use it, how we keep it safe and secure, and your rights and choices about your information. Your privacy is important and matters to Jebsen, so we hope you will take time and understand our privacy practices carefully.

We try to explain things as clearly as possible. And if you have any questions, you can contact our Data Protection Office.


1. Who we are

We are the Jebsen group of companies, our subsidiaries and our affiliates under Jebsen and Company Limited and Jebsen Capital International Limited (“Jebsen Group”, “we”, “us”, “our”).


2. How Jebsen collects personal information from you

We obtain personal information about you in the following ways:


Information you give us directly 

For example, we may obtain information about you when you take part in one of our events, create an account on our websites, purchase our products and services online or offline, or when you subscribe our newsletters.


When you visit our websites

We, like many companies, automatically collect the following information:

• Technical information, including the type of device you are using, IP address, browser and operating system being used to connect your computer to the internet. This information may be used to improve the services we offer.

• Information about your visit to our websites, e.g. we collect information about pages you visit and how you navigate our website, i.e. length of visits to certain pages, products and services you viewed and searched for, referral sources (e.g. how you arrived at our website).

We collect and use your information by using cookies on our website – more information on cookies can be found in the Key terms and Cookies sections below.


Social Media

When you interact with us on social media platforms (also known as social networking sites, or SNS) such as Facebook and Google+, or when you log in our websites via these platforms, we may obtain information about you. For examples, when you publicly tag us in an event photo. The information we receive will depend on the privacy preferences you have set on those types of platforms and SNS.


3. What personal information we collect

The personal information we collect, store and use may include:

          your name and contact details, including postal address, email address and telephone number;

          your date of birth;

          information about your activities on our websites and about the device used to access it, for instance your IP address and geographical location;

          your bank or credit card details. If you make an online purchase, your card information is not held by us. It is collected by third party payment processors, who specialise in secure online capturing and processing of credit card and electronic transactions; and

          any other personal information you shared with us.

Data protection laws recognise certain categories of personal information as sensitive and therefore require greater protection, e.g. information about your health, ethnicity and religion. We don’t usually collect sensitive data about you unless there is a clear and valid reason for doing so and data protection laws allow us to. For example, we may ask for your health information if you are taking part in a race that we organise.

Where appropriate, we will make it clear why we are collecting this type of information and what it will be used for.


4. Personal information of children

We’re committed to protect privacy of children and minors aged below 18. If you are aged or under 18‚ please get your parent or guardian's permission beforehand whenever you provide us with personal information.


5. Why we collect personal information

We use the information we collect for a number of different purposes include:

          communicate with you;

          provide you with the services, products or information you asked for;

          process orders that you placed;

          carry out our obligations under any contracts entered between you and us;

          keep a record of your relationship with us;

          conduct analysis and market research to better understand how we can improve our services, products or information;

          deal with entries into a competition;

          seek your views or comments on the products and services we provide;

          notify you of changes to our products and services;

          with your consent, send you communications which you have requested and that may be of interest to you. These may include information about events, activities and promotions of products and services; and

          processing job applications.

If our use of your personal information exceeds the purpose or scope that we claimed when we collected it, we will inform you again and seek your consent again before we use it.


6. How long we keep personal information

We retain personal information for as long as necessary to provide the products and services and fulfill the transactions you have requested. Or for other legitimate purposes such as complying with our legal obligations, resolving disputes and enforcing our rights. For example, we are legally required to hold some types of information to fulfil our statutory and regulatory obligations (e.g. accounting records for tax compliance, your email address after you opt-out from our marketing communications).

Because these needs can vary in different context under different circumstances, our actual retention periods can vary significantly. But we will regularly review and ensure unnecessary personal information are safely deleted and completely removed from our servers.


7. Who we share personal information

We do not share your information with companies, organizations, or individuals outside of Jebsen Group except in the following cases:


With your consent

We will share personal information outside of Jebsen only when we have your explicit consent.


For external processing 

We provide personal information to our Jebsen companies and other trusted business partners or persons to process it for us, based on our instructions and in compliance with our Privacy Policy, and other appropriate confidentiality and security measures. For example, we use service providers to process your online transactions and help us with customer support. And we have contracts in place that require them to keep your information secure and prevent them from using it for their own purposes including direct marketing.


During organization restructuring

If we are involved in a merger, acquisition, or sale of assets, we will continue to ensure the confidentiality of your personal information and give affected persons notice before personal information is transferred or becomes subject to a different privacy policy.


For legal reasons 

We will share personal information outside of Jebsen if we have a good-faith belief that access, use, preservation, or disclosure of the information is reasonably necessary to:

• Meet any applicable law, regulation, legal process, or enforceable governmental request.

• Enforce our Terms of Use, including investigation of potential violations.

• Detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security, or technical issues.

• Protect against harm to the rights, property or safety of our staff, customers, users of our websites, or the public as required or permitted by law.

However, we will take steps to ensure that your privacy rights continue to be protected.


8. Your choices about your information

We may use your personal information such as your contact details to provide you with news and information about us, and our products and services, if we think it may be of interest to you.

You have a choice about whether or not you wish to receive information from us. For example, if you don’t want to receive some or all marketing communications (post, email, text, telephone) from us, you can select your choices by checking (or unchecking) the relevant boxes on the form we used to collect your information. 

And you may opt out from our marketing communications at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link at the end of our marketing emails or contact our Data Protection Office.

We’re committed to put you in control of your personal information so you are free to customise or change your preference at any time by contact our Data Protection Office.

We will stop using your personal information for marketing if you have indicated that you do not wish to. But we will retain your details on an opt-out list to help ensure that we do not continue to contact you. However, we may still need to reach you for administrative purposes like where we are processing your purchase or thanking you for your participation in an event.


9. Your rights 

Right to access your personal information

You have the right to request access to the personal information that we hold about you.

You also have the right to request a copy of the information we hold about you, and we will provide you with this unless legal exceptions apply.

If you want to access your information, please send a description of the information you would like to see and proof of your identity by contact our Data Protection Office.


Right to correct your personal information

You have the right to have inaccurate or incomplete information we hold about you corrected. The accuracy of your information is important to us. So if you change email address or phone number, or if you believe any of the other information we hold is inaccurate or outdated, please contact our Data Protection Office.


Right to delete your personal information

You may ask us to delete some or all of your personal information and we will do so as far as we can. Some data you can delete whenever you like, and some data is deleted automatically. But some data we may need to retain for longer periods of time when necessary. In some cases, we will retain that information in anonymised form rather than delete it.


Right to opt out from our direct marketing communications

You have the right to object our use of your personal information for direct marketing. If you have given prior consent to receive our direct marketing communications, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.

If you want to exercise any of the above rights, please contact our Data Protection Office. We may need to ask for further information and your identity proof. We will endeavor to respond fully to your requests within statutory time limits. But if we’re unable to do so, we will contact you with reasons for any delay.

Please note that exceptions apply to a number of these rights, and not all rights will be applicable in all circumstances and the location where you live. For more details we recommend you consult the guidance published by your local privacy commissioner’s office.


10. We keep your information safe

When you give us personal information, we take all necessary steps to ensure appropriate technology and organizational controls (e.g. limit access on need-to-know basis) are in place to protect it.

Any sensitive information such as your credit card details is encrypted and protected. When you are on a secure page, a lock icon will appear in your web browsers.

Non-sensitive details about you such as your email address are normally transmitted over the internet, and it’s not guaranteed to be 100% secure. So while we strive to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee the information you transmit to us is secured. And you do so at your own risk.

Where we have given (or you have chosen) a password which enables you to log on or access certain parts of our websites, you are responsible for keeping your password safe and confidential. You should never share your password with anyone.


11. Data transfers

We operate in different countries and your personal information may be processed on servers located outside of the country where you live. We may transfer your personal information between different Jebsen companies located in different countries. Data protection laws vary among countries, with some providing more protection than others. Regardless where your information is processed, we apply the same protections described in this policy. We take appropriate measures to secure your personal information both during transit and at the receiving location. 

Hosting providers of our websites and servers, wherever they are located, are bound by contracts that ensure a high standard of privacy protection. And they must act only on our instructions and implement necessary technical measures to keep your personal information safe.


12. “Cookies” 

Like many other websites, all of our websites use cookies. We use cookies for many purposes. For example, we use them to store your country preference. To remember your safe search preferences. To make the products and services you see on our websites more relevant to you. To count how many visitors we receive to a page. To help you sign up for our services. This helps us deliver a more personalised service when you browse our websites and tailor to your personal needs.

You can switch off cookies any time by setting your browser preference, but it may result in loss of functionality when you use our websites.

We may also keep track of IP address to: (i) troubleshoot a technical problem; (ii) maintain website safety and security; (iii) restrict access to our websites to certain users; and (iv) better understand how our websites are utilised.


13. Links to other websites

Our websites may contain links to websites that are run by other organisations. This Privacy Policy applies only to our own websites. So when you visit other sites, you should read their privacy policies as well. We cannot be responsible for these other sites’ privacy policies and practices, even if you access them using links from our websites. Same applies when you link to our websites from a third-party site.


14. Changes to this Privacy Policy

We review and change this policy from time to time, and always indicate the date the last changes were published. But we will not reduce your rights under this policy without your explicit consent. If changes are significant, we will provide a more prominent notice, e.g. email notification of Privacy Policy changes.


15. Contact our Data Protection Office 

You can contact our Data Protection Office by:

          using our website Contact Us form;

          by email to DataProtectionOffice@jebsen.com; or

          by mail to our Data Protection Office at 21/F Hysan Place, 555 Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.


16. Key terms



A cookie is a small file containing a string of characters that is sent to your computer when you visit a website. When you visit the site again, the cookie allows that site to recognise your browser. Cookies may store user preferences and other information. You can configure your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. However, some website features or services may not function properly without cookies.




A device is a computer that can be used to access our websites and services. For example, desktop computers, tablets, smartphones are all considered devices.

IP address


Every device connected to the internet is assigned a number known as an Internet protocol (IP) address. These numbers are usually assigned in geographic blocks. An IP address can often be used to identify the location from which a device is connecting to the internet.


Personal Information


This is information that you provide to us which personally identifies you, such as your name, email address, billing information, or other data that we can reasonably link to such information, e.g. information we associate with your registered account.






我们将尽可能清楚地作出解释。如果您有任何疑问,可随时与我们的 数据保护 办公室 联络

1. 捷成集团

我们"是指所有捷成集团 即捷成洋行有限公司和捷成资本国际有限公司)属下的公司和分支机构。

2. 捷成如何收集您的个人资料






  • 技术数据,包括您所使用的装置类型、 IP 地址、将计算机连接到互联网的浏览器和操作系统。此类信息可用于改善我们的服务。
  • 您浏览我们网站的信息,例如我们会收集有关您浏览过的网页以及您如何浏览我们网站的信息,如访问某些网页的时间,您查看和搜索过的产品和服务,推荐来源(例如您如何连接到我们的网站)。

我们通过在网站上使用 cookies 技术以收集和使用您的个人资料,有关 cookies 的更多信息,请参阅下面的关键用语和 c ookies 部分。


当您通过社交媒体平台(亦称社交网站或 SNS ),例如 Facebook Google+ 等与我们互动时,或者当您通过这些平台登入我们的网站时,我们可能会获取有关您的个人资料(例如:您在活动照片中公开标记捷成时)。我们收到的个人资料将取决于您在这些社交网站或平台上所设置的私隐选项。

3. 我们收集哪些个人资料


  • 您的姓名和联络方式,包括邮件地址,电子邮件地址和电话号码
  • 您的出生日期
  • 有关您在我们网站上的活动以及用于浏览它的装置的数据,例如您的 IP 地址和地理位置
  • 您的银行或信用卡资料。如果您在网上购物,我们不会保留您的信用卡数据。该等资料由第三方支付营运商收集,他们专注于网上安全收集数据以及处理信用卡和电子交易
  • 您与我们分享的任何其他个人资料。



4. 未成年人个人资料

我们致力保护儿童和 18 岁以下未成年人的私隐。如果您未年满 18 岁,请在向我们提供个人资料前事先获得您父母或监护人的许可。如果您是未成年人的监护人,当您对您所监护的未成年人提供其个人资料有疑问时,请与 我们的数据保护办公室联络

5. 我们为何收集个人资料


  • 与您沟通
  • 为您提供您要求的产品、服务或信息
  • 处理您的订单
  • 根据您和我们之间签订的任何合同履行我们的义务
  • 记录您与我们的关系
  • 进行分析和市场调查,以更好地了解我们如何改善我们的产品、服务或信息
  • 征求您对我们提供的产品及服务的意见或评论
  • 通知您我们的产品和服务的变更
  • 在征得您的同意后,向您发送您可能感兴趣的信息,包括促销产品和服务的信息或活动信息
  • 处理求职申请。


6. 我们保留个人资料的时限



7. 分享个人资料





我们会向捷成集团公司、和其他可信赖的业务合作伙伴或个人提供个人资料,以便他们协助我们处理个人资料,前提是他们必须根据我们的指示,并遵守我们的私隐政策以及其他适当的保密和安全措施下处理。例如,我们使用服务供货商来处理您的网上交易和提供客户服务时 我们与他们所签订的服务合同当中,会严格要求他们保证您的个人资料安全,并禁止他们用于其自身或其他目的,包括直接促销。





  • 满足任何适用的法律、法规、法律程序或可被执行的政府要求
  • 执行我们的网站使用条款 ,包括调查潜在的违规行为
  • 检测、预防或以其他方式解决欺诈、安全或技术问题
  • 根据法律要求或其允许的情况,保护我们的员工、客户、网站用户或公众的权利、财产或安全。


8. 您对个人资料的选择



您亦可以随时点击任何促销电邮中的取消订阅连结或与 我们的数据保护办公室联络 ,选择退出我们的促销信息。

我们致力让您控制您的个人资料。您可以随时与 我们的数据保护办公室联络 自定义或更改您的偏好。


9. 您的权利




如果您想查询您的个人资料,请与 我们的数据保护办公室联络 发送及描述您想要查看的个人资料,以及您的身份证明文件。


您有权要求我们更正有关您但错误或不完整的个人资料。您的个人资料准确性对我们非常重要。因此,如果您更改了电子邮件地址、地址或电话号码,或者您认为我们持有的任何其他个人资料不准确或已过时,请即与 我们的数据保护办公室联络





如果您想行使上述任何权利,请与 我们的数据保护办公室联络 。我们可能需要询问更多数据和核实您的身份。我们将尽力在法定时限内全面回应您的要求。但如果我们无法及时响应,我们会与您联络及说明任何延误的原因。


10. 我们保证您的个人资料安全



有关您的非敏感数据(例如您的电子邮件地址)一般会通过互联网传输,并且无法保证 100 %安全。因此,尽管我们尽力保护您的个人资料,但我们无法保证您于网络上传输给我们的数据是安全的。你应自行承担风险。


11. 个人资料转移



12. “Cookies”

像许多其他网站一样,我们所有的网站都使用 cookies 。我们将 cookies 用于多种用途。例如,我们使用它来存储您的国家或地区偏好;记住您的安全搜寻选项;使您在我们网站上看到与您更相关的产品和服务;计算到访我们网站的人数;帮助您注册我们的服务等。这有助于当您浏览我们网站时,我们可根据您的个人需求量身定制更个性化的服务。

您可以通过设置浏览器选项随时关闭 cookies ,但在使用我们的网站时可能会出现错误或丧失部分功能。

我们还可以跟踪 IP 地址以:( i )解决技术问题 ; ii )维护网站的安全 ; iii )限制某些用户访问我们的网站 ; iv )更好地了解我们的网站如何被使用。

13. 连接其他网站


14. 本私隐政策的变更


15. 我们的数据保护 办公室联络

您可以通过以下方式与 我们的数据保护办公室联络

使用我们网站的联络我们 表格;

发送电子邮件至 : DataProtectionOffice@jebsen.com ;

邮寄到 : 香港铜锣湾轩尼诗道 500 号希慎广场 21 楼。

16. 关键用语


















• 本网站使用条款,包括我们的免责声明;
• 我们的私隐政策 ;以及
• 我们的销售条款及条件。






1. 注册用户和帐户

2. 了解我们的知识产权

3. 我们的网站行为守则

4. 当您在我们的网站上发布内容或评论

5. 我们的免责声明

6. 责任和赔偿

7. 我们的权利

8. 适用法律和管辖区

9. 联络我们


1. 注册用户和帐户




• 购买我们的产品

• 访问网站的限制区域

• 下载或查看我们的产品和优惠。












2. 了解我们的知识产权




• 从我们的网站查看页面

• 从我们的网站下载页面,以便在您的浏览器中进行存缓

• 从我们的网站打印页面

• 根据我们的销售条款及条件以及本网站使用条款在网上购买我们的产品。



• 重新发布或分发我们网站的内容(包括在其他网站上重新发布)

• 出售、出租或再授权我们网站的内容

• 在公共场合展示我们网站的内容

• 将我们网站的内容作商业目的使用。


3. 我们网站的行为守则



• 非法、威胁、辱骂、诽谤、有伤害性、淫秽、可被起诉或法律上有争议的内容或信息

• 侵犯他人私隐的内容或信息

• 侵犯知识产权的内容或信息,包括我们或其他人的专利、商标、商业秘密及版权等

• 直接促销内容或信息、垃圾邮件

• 含有计算机病毒或计算机代码、文件或软件的内容或信息,其有可能会中断、破坏、限制、影响、延迟或转移我们网站的功能。



• 复制、储存或托管含有或连接到恶意计算机软件,如间谍软件、计算机病毒、木马程序、蠕虫、击键记录程序或rootkit等

• 干扰我们网站的功能,或不遵循我们网站或其连接的网络的要求、程序及政策

• 未经我们书面同意下进行任何系统或自动化数据收集,如数据探勘、挖掘、抓取等。




• 使用虚假的电子邮件地址,冒充我们网站上的任何人或实体,或以其他方式误导其他人对我们网站内容的来源

• 虚假陈述或误导与我们或其他人的关系

• 滋扰我们的董事、员工或我们网站的其他用户

• 冒充个人或实体,包括冒充我们的高级职员、董事、附属机构、员工、独立承包商、代表、第三方内容提供商和授权人。

4. 当您在我们网站上发布内容或评论



• 您拥有或控制您在我们网站上发布的任何内容的权利

• 其内容是准确的

• 以及内容并不违反我们的网站使用条款。












5. 我们的免责声明









• 当您依赖我们的网站和任何第三方的内容为合适的、准确的和可靠的

• 当网站出现故障、错误、遗漏、中断、删除或缺陷时;当我们不修复缺陷时;当计算机病毒或其组件造成损害时;或当遗失数据时

• 当网站操作或传输延迟,或失去通信时

• 当问题来自网上交易时,例如错误的信用卡信息或不完整或延迟的交易。


• 当有第三方的非法行为,例如黑客入侵、窃取、破坏内容或访问或更改记录时

• 当您通过我们的网站访问第三方网站或服务器时(当连接到第三方如社交媒体网站,您需自行承担风险)

• 当第三方的行为具有诽谤性、威胁性、冒犯性或为非法的,或者有关该等行为的内容被公布或导致此类行为

• 当我们违反了我们的私隐政策时,除非我们故意违反私隐政策。

6. 责任和赔偿




• 我们免费提供给您的产品或服务,或者您购买的产品或服务不符合您的需求

• 业务损失、利润损失、数据遗失或损毁、业务中断或其他损害,包括后果性的、特殊的或间接的损害

• 超出我们可合理控制范围下的任何损失。



• 违反我们网站的使用条款或政策

• 侵犯我们的知识产权,或连接我们网站的第三方的知识产权

• 与使用我们网站的第三方发生争议

• 违反任何适用法律和法规。

7. 我们的权利


• 向您发出书面警告

• 暂停或限制您访问我们的网站

• 暂停或取消您在我们的网站上的账户

• 对您采取法律行动,例如:若您侵犯我们的知识产权。

8. 适用法律和管辖权



9. 联络我们


• 使用我们的网站上的联络我们 表格

• 发送电子邮件至 jebseninfo@jebsen.com

• 电话:(852)2923 8777

• 邮寄至香港铜锣湾轩尼诗道500号希慎广场21楼




